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Katie Davis Helps Ugandan Children


“People tell me I am brave. People tell me I am strong. People tell me good job. Well here is the truth of it. I am really not that brave, I am not really that strong, and I am not doing anything spectacular. I am just doing what God called me to do as a follower of Him. Feed His sheep, do unto the least of His people.” –Katie Davis

Katie Davis is a hero of mine. Her story is about a remarkable journey of faith and helping others.

Katie Davis was an 18-year-old from Brentwood, Tennessee when she first visited Uganda in December 2006. That first visit to Uganda inspired her and she began a journey that would forever change her life. In the summer of 2007, Katie returned to Uganda to teach kindergarten at a local orphanage in the Masese community. As Katie walked her students home one day, she noticed many school-aged children sitting by the roadside and working in fields to support their families. This surprised her and she decided to help those children so that they would have a better life. Katie knew that an education was vital to breaking the vicious cycle of living in extreme poverty.

She learned that there were few government operated public schools in Uganda, and there were none in the area where she was working. Most schools in Uganda are privately operated and require school fees for attendance, making it impossible for impoverished families to provide an education for their children. In 2007, she created the Child Sponsorship Program that matches impoverished orphaned and vulnerable children with sponsors worldwide. A gift of $300 will support a child’s education for one year. It provides school supplies, three hot meals daily, spiritual discipleship, and medical care. Initially, Katie planned to help 40 children through the program, and by January 2008 more than 150 children were enrolled. Today, the program sponsors more than 600 children.

In 2008, Katie established a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization called Amazima Ministries International, which is based out of Brentwood, Tennessee. The organization seeks to meet the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of people who need it most. In the Lugandan language, Amazima means “truth.” Amazima Ministries provides medical care, Bible study, and general health training.

The children learn about Jesus in school, and on Saturdays all sponsored children visit the Amazima fellowship site for Bible study, worship, lunch and a lot of playing. Every Saturday, the children are given food, soap, and seeds during the rainy season so that their families can grow food.

In January 2008, Katie became a first time mother to three orphaned girls. She also reached out to the Karimojong people who were losing their children to malnutrition and starvation at an astounding rate. Katie recognized their desperate need for nutritious food and began a feeding program to help the Masese community, nourishing more than 1,600 children Monday through Friday. The program eliminates the need of children having to beg for money and food on the street. Those children now attend school, thanks to Katie who is now the mother of 13 daughters.

As friendships developed with the Karimojong people, Katie wanted to help the women in the village provide for their families. She created a self-sustaining vocational program that empowers women by teaching them money management skills and how to make magazine bead necklaces. The colourful necklaces made by the Karimojong women are available for purchase online through the Amazima Store.

With Amazima’s help, many children attend school free of charge and receive free medical treatment. Amazima hosts Bible studies and worship services at the Amazima chapel and fellowship site on their property. In future, they will provide community classes, health training, gardening, and other activities that will further help the community. Amazima fosters spiritual growth activities and Bible studies in six villages. They are passionate about nourishing the spiritual needs of the people, not just the physical.

Amazima Ministries needs your help!


4 Comments Post a comment
  1. So inspirational!

    April 5, 2013
    • I thought so too. Katie is a remarkable young lady!

      April 5, 2013
  2. Wonderful and inspirational story. I was in Uganda last summer and visited an orphan school of Little Angels. There is so much to do to help. 🙂

    April 5, 2013
    • I agree. I have great admiration for Katie’s commitment and courage. Her rewards are many, as she is now the mother of 13 beautiful daughters. It is amazing how one person can help so many who are in desperate need.

      April 5, 2013

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