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Creek Street

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Creek Street is a historic boardwalk perched on pilings along the banks of Ketchikan Creek near downtown Ketchikan. Creek Street was a significant red-light district until the passage of the Anti-Crib Laws in the early 1950s. It is now a quaint neighbourhood that provides visitors with an opportunity to tour Dolly’s House, view totem poles, shop at locally-owned stores and galleries, and enjoy local art and culture. Salmon gather by the thousands to spawn upstream in the summer months. During the heyday of Dolly Arthur, police raids on brothels were frequent on Creek Street. Men looking for a quick exit to avoid hefty fines for being caught at one of the brothels used the Married Man’s Trail for an escape route. The trail heads upward, winding through trees providing scenic views of Ketchikan and the harbour. Cape Fox Lodge is located at the top of Married Man’s Trail.